Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rabbit Proof Fence

Recently my cousin put me on to the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence" which is based on the true story of 3 young Aboriginal girls.  The story is set in 1930s Western Australia at a time when the "half-caste" or mulatto children were taken from their mothers care and sent 1000 plus miles away to a camp where they were to be trained to be indentured servants.  The main fear was that the "half-caste" children and the full breed Aborigines would eventually wipe out the white race so the government decided to take such measures to preserve the white race by keeping  the blood lines as pure as possible.  Yet another case in history where the darker hued people were taken advantage of and forced to be slaves by those lacking melanin.  The 3 main characters are 2 sisters, Molly and Daisy, who along with their cousin, Gracie, were taken from their mothers and sent to Moore River Native Settlement camp.  The girls decide to run away from the camp and head home to their mothers and all that they know and love.  The movie chronicles their journey.

Here's the kicker... This crap happened for about 100 years and to my knowledge has never been taught in any history class in the US.  How is that even possible?  Why was this covered up?  I have to say I'm appalled and disgusted that this happened and then everyone pretends like it didnt.

I won't spoil the movie but I will say it was very interesting.  I definitely recommend it.

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