Thursday, October 15, 2009

"I wear it well on my Libra scales"

libra scales tattoo
Originally uploaded by boggirldl
With my birthday fast approaching I've been thinking a lot about my sign (I'm a Libra) and the many meanings of scales. See, most people automatically think about the scales of balance which is appropriate. The Lady Justice, the symbol prevalent in many court houses across this country, holds the scale in her left hand and it is supposed to measure the merits for and against a case being tried in the court. Being a balance-seeking-Libra myself, I am often able to see both sides of an argument. There are times when I have trouble making decisions and there are times when I can see the other side of an argument but have no trouble making a decision to stand on a particular side of the line. Trust me, seeking balance is a gift and a curse because I have spent a lot of time trying to compromise and make everyone happy. The older I get the more I realize that I need to worry more about making myself happy and less about making other people happy at the expense of my own feelings; I aim to balance myself first and foremost.
One of the most important things in my life is music; I fell in love with music at a young age and can remember knowing all the words to songs I had no business knowing anything about i.e. Anita Baker and Sade tunes as well as various other artists. I joined the choir in the 4th grade and continued with if for a few years. I also learned how to play the recorder (a requirement for music class way back when) and for a brief period I took up playing the Baritone ( a disturbingly large instrument that I detested lugging around). In undertaking music, I learned the scales as I learned to read music. For those of you who dont know, a scale is the range of high to low notes in a melody or harmony. Me being the Libra I am, I prefer to stay at the median of the scale but there are times when my buttons are pushed and I am forced to the higher end of the scale, having to raise my voice and otherwise get ignorant with people. In my younger days I was what some would call loud because I felt that was the only way to be heard but I've since learned there are quieter ways to command attention and have my voice heard. My trips to the lower portion of the scale usually come when I am tired or not feeling too well.
Another type of scale to take into account can be found on the bodies of many species of fish and some insects. The purpose for these scales is to provide a layer of protection. I know everyone has a story and almost all of us have been through at least one crazy thing or another but I do know that I had to develop my own layer of protection when I went to boarding school in the 7th grade. Until that point, I had led a pretty sheltered life, having gone to strictly the best private and catholic schools and never really having to interact with anyone my family and caretakers deemed inappropriate. Looking back I realized I had a lot of haters when I started boarding school because I got good grades, played sports and all the teachers, houseparents, etc loved me. I was a good kid (yeah, I waited until I was in college to go mouthing off to everyone). I was called names, teased about everything from my "high butt," talking "like a white/valley girl," and even getting good grades, which was all new to me. At first my feelings were hurt but I learned to continue to do my thing and tune out those who had something negative to say; something that has definitely come in handy as I've gotten older. My past has shaped who I am today and will continue to be in my future.
Although I don't interpret it verbatim and to the letter, I do believe in astrology and the idea that people born under the same sign have some of the same personality/character traits. Some of my best friends are Libra's that I've known more than half my life; we are similar in some ways and very different in others. I think the differences have a lot to do with whom and how we were raised. Regardless, I love being a Libra and I believe the Scales make the world a better place bringing a helpful hint of balance to this otherwise chaotic world we live in.

1 comment:

  1. word on that 10/01 /77 a bridge divided with water runnin both ways at timesgood /bad/up/down/at my median is were i dwell hopefully/often /optomistic with extreme lows i am unballanced but fair
